In Confirmation a person makes a mature profession of faith and is welcomed into the church by the Bishop with a blessing. Reception is also a mature profession of faith made by a person confirmed in another denomination who desires to become a full member of the Episcopal Church. Both Confirmation and Reception bestow rights of voting and serving in particular church ministries.
BaptismHoly Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body the Church. It is a public statement of one’s intentional decision to follow the way of Jesus. In the case of infant baptism, it is the parents’ declaration of their intent to raise a child in the way of Jesus. The bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble, so baptism is only administered once.
When you choose to be baptized READ MORE |
MarriageHoly Matrimony is a sacrament of the Church, in which a couple enters into a life-long union, make their vows before God, and receive the grace and blessing of God to help them fulfill their vows. In order to be married in the Episcopal Church, one member of the couple needs to be a baptized Christian. All couples planning to get married are required to take pre-marital counseling.
FuneralsThe liturgy for the dead is an Easter liturgy. It finds all its meaning in the resurrection. Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we too, shall be raised. The liturgy, therefore, is characterized by joy, in the certainty that “neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, not height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us READ MORE